- “Vision 2030”
We decided to make better present and a beautiful tomorrow. It is with this cherished aim in our visualization we have taken the first step of formulating a novel project called “VISION 2030”. Therefore, the All India Association of Sport for All would like to play our own little part in fulfilling Vision 2030. We hope that what may start as a breeze may turn into a whirlwind and we shall leave no stone unturned in achieving this goal.
- Object - “VISION 2030”
The main objective of this project is to be a small cause in the march towards the fulfillment of better present and a beautiful tomorrow and to excel in sports and games at par with the world of sports. This endeavor is not only to excel in sports but also to mould a healthy citizen who further brings glory to our blessed land; to build up a new generation entrenched in unity, peace, harmony and tricolor fly sky-high.
- Aim
- Extend a friendship hand across borders, across languages, across cultures and across minds through Participatory Sports Centered Activities.
- To build a generation with healthy, energetic, enthusiastic and promising for Nation through sports for All.
- To enrich young children physically and mentally.
- To create eco friendly India by reducing pollution level.
- To create awareness among public at large about the benefits of Sport for All.
- To strengthen Integrity, Unity Peace and Harmony.
- To spread the concept of brotherhood and sportsman spirit.
- Implementation
In order to pass on the message “VISION 2030” and also more importantly to inculcate and promote the habit of walking among not only the students but also the general public, we have decided to conduct as many as 36 walkathon in the 29 states and the 7 union territories of India which consist of more than 120 crore population. Thus the message would be conveyed in every nook and corner of India. Publicity boards, hoardings, arches, banners posters, torch rallies and cultural programme etc highlighting the benefits of walking would be exhibited at strategic points before, during and after the rallies serving the intended purpose for a longer period of time.
Along with this a basic test will be conducted in every school in India to find out talented and dedicated students who are interested in sports and the selected students will be given the support and training by the All India Association of Sport for All on behalf of the Government of India with an aim of turning these budding talents into full-fledged heroes of the future “Young India”. Thus we would like to turn our dream into reality. This is easier said than done. In fact this is a herculean task.
The number of schools in India is astounding. There are 16,87,873 schools consisting of 84,39,36,500 students in 626 districts of the 29 states and the 7 union territories of India. So, for the smooth and uninterrupted implementation of this programme, we have decided to divide the 29 states and the 7 union territories into 5 zones namely North zone, South zone, East zone, West Zone and North East Zone. This programme will be inaugurated and implemented in each zone as per the calendar of All India Association of Sport for All. This programme will be implemented first in the North Zone comprising of Utter Pradesh, Punjab, Kashmir, Haryana, Delhi, Uttaranchal, Madhya Pradesh, and the union territory of Chandigarh, which collectively consist of 204 districts and 4,89,542 schools in all both recognized and unrecognized. A walkathon will be conducted in the main city of each district. The inauguration of this programme in the North Zone will be done at Amethi, Utter Pradesh.
After the successful completion of this programme in the North zone, this programme will be implemented in the South zone which comprises of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala and the union territories of Pondichery, Andman Nichobar and Lakshadeep which collectively consist of 103 districts and 2,88,469 schools.
In the third stage of the implementation, would be in the West zone which comprises of Rajasthan, Maharastra, Gujurat, and the union territories of Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Dieu and Goa which collectively consist of 98 districts and 2,93,970 schools both recognized and unrecognized.
The 4th stage of this programme would be in the East Zone comprising of Orissa, Bihar, Jarkand, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh and Chaattisgarh which collectively consist of 138 districts and 3,29,434 schools both recognized and unrecognized.
The 5th and the final stage of this programme would be implemented in the North East Zone comprising of Manipur, Meghalaya, Mezoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Thripura, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh which collectively consist of 83 districts and 1,39,565 schools both recognized and unrecognized.
Thus at the end of the completion of this programme over all 626 districts and 16,87,873 schools both recognized and unrecognized would have been successfully covered to pass on the message of “Vision 2030” as “ Create Sporting Habit for Life” among a mind boggling 84,39,36,500 students all over India and the people at large in India covering every nook and corner of the Country.
- Operation
First Stage
- We have decided to expand our unit from 10 States to 29 States and 7 Union Territory.
Second Stage
- Regional wise Sport for All National cum International conference along with walkathon would be conducted under the Patronage of ASFAA and TAFISA.
Third Stage
- Recommendation of the “Vision 2030” Committee will be implemented accordingly.
Recent study done by the All India Association of Sport for All (AIASFA) in 2500 selected different age categories of people consist with men and women and also school children’s reveals the review of the Strategic sportive Action Plan for “VISION 2030”. On the brief evaluation for the “Vision 2030” Committee released its preliminary recommendations on how the sport for all can be a key strategy to serve better India through All India Association of Sport for All (AIASFA) in association with the Association for International Sport For All (TAFISA). The recommendations call for more opportunities and access for Indians to increase walk & play, more sports in school, the community and the workplace. Sports For All capabilities will also be enhanced to support the anticipated growth in quantity and quality of life of the Indians.
The General Secretary of All India Association of Sport for All (AIASFA) Mr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma added that it may take some years to feel the full impact of these changes. It is critical that we lay the foundation now with the end goal in mind – to live better through Sports For All. Through the opportunities created under “VISION 2030”, we hope people will participate actively in sport, and in the process, become happier individuals, stronger leaders, more active community contributors and to proud Global Indian Citizens.
The preliminary recommendations have been categorized under Opportunities, Access and Capabilities.
- Opportunities
‘Opportunities’ looks at increasing and sustaining engagement in sport so that people can experience the value of sport throughout their lives. Mr. A. Saraf, President of All India Association of Sport for All noticed that everyone we met spoke of the power of sport to improve lives, and they wanted more opportunities to play sport. Parents, in particular, told us that they wanted more opportunities for children and youth to play more sport in schools. They believe it will help them stay healthy and learn valuable lessons that will make them better persons and more prepared for the workforce and life.
A key recommendation to provide more opportunities for Participatory Sports Centered model, particularly in schools, is the proposed ‘Sports Pathways Committee’ to better coordinate the efforts of various stakeholders to strengthen and align sports pathways (i.e. participation opportunities & development). The initial phase will focus on youth sports development but will consider other aspects of the participation pathway in the higher-school years further downstream.
The committee will also work to increase parental involvement in the school sports scene. The committee will create opportunities for families to participate in programmes and events together, for example those organised by the “Super Sports Clubs”. Sports families will be able to cheer and support each other on and off the field, through a variety of shared experiences. In preliminary discussions on school sports, the authority has indicated that we are ensuring every child should have learnt to play at least three core sports at the recreational level and have opportunities to continue participating in sports within the community. Through the Physical Education (PE) and Sports programme, will systematically develop the values of sportsmanship and teamwork in students.
The “Vision 2030” Committee also proposes the formation of regional ‘Super Sports Clubs’ to extend the reach of sports programming. The Super Sports Clubs will be a home base for individuals, families and the community to gather, train and compete in a range of sports, and get together for social or business purposes. The Clubs will provide affordable community-relevant programming and coaching with opportunities for all skill levels and age groups, including fundamental movement skills for young children and modified sports for seniors. Moreover, the Super Sports Clubs will make it possible for the community itself to drive the creation of programming and events. The community can enjoy spontaneous play, compete in league-based competitions or host one-off sporting events.
The Clubs will also work with schools to enhance opportunities at recreational competitions and lifelong sports participation in the community. The pilot concept for the Super Sports Clubs will be implemented towards the end of 2020.
- Access
Access is about taking a more inclusive approach towards providing sports facilities for the community as well as capitalizing on the power of sport for social activism.
The “Vision 2030” Committee suggests that SSC consider the formulating a ‘Sports Facilities Master Plan‘:
- Capabilities
A key recommendation calls for the establishment of a Coaching Academy to lead the professional development of coaches and the coaching sector in India. The Academy would include mentoring opportunities for coaches and specialty training in working with youth, adults and seniors to meet the growing demand from individuals, schools, sports clubs, national sports associations and corporate. An international advisory panel is expected to be formed to help chart the direction and development of the Academy.
These coaches will range from instructors for learn-to-play classes to participation coaches for youth to high-performance coaches for national teams. The Academy will serve as a ―Gold Standard and establish coaching as a viable and sustainable career choice for Indians.
Another key recommendation is a review of the elite athlete support system through the ‘Indians Sports Institute’. The modern athlete is under ever-higher expectations to deliver in environments of increasing difficulty. A centralized institute under SSC and ‘Indians Sports Institute’ will support our national athletes in achieving break-through performances on the international stage. It will provide systematic and tailored athlete services in sports science and medicine, coaching and education, rights management and career development. We are currently reviewing the way the institute functions and will be making some recommendations to further enhance of the institute. More details will be announced soon.
The Committee also recommends a ‘Sport Cares Movement’ to use sport to inculcate stronger social values among Indians and to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable segments of our society. The committee is studying the possibility of setting up a foundation to anchor the ‘Sport Cares Movement.‘
According to Mr. A. Saraf, the President of All India Association of sport for All “Sport Cares will provide an opportunity for Corporate and Sporting Indians to recognize the diversity of our society—by extending a helping hand to all, to ensure that no one is left behind. As a nation, India has been built by many hands. If India is to thrive in the coming decades, we must provide everyone, regardless of race, religion or status, with every possible opportunity to succeed. Sport For All can be a powerful vehicle to transform lives of Great Indians.
- Conclusion
We have great pleasure to announce that the first time in history of independent India Sports Ministry is headed by a sports person of highest repute viz. Olympian Colonel Rajyawardhan Singh Rathore and as such there is every hope and anticipation that our proposal will meet serious consideration by Central Govt. which has been under proceedings.
The whole programme may be implemented under the strict supervision, control, able guidance and direction of Col. Rajyayardhan Singh Rathore Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
Respected views on the recommendations
“Vision 2030” is an ongoing conversation and we hope that respected people will give us feedback and help us fine-tune the preliminary recommendations, concluded to sksharma231@gmail.com, sarafcfi@gmail.com.
Participatroy Sports Centered Model Poster Click here To Download
Strategic Sportive Plan “VISION 2030” Brochure Click here To Download